Submit Opinion

Certainly! If you’re passionate about sharing your perspective and insights, SurgeZirc SA welcomes opinion articles from contributors. Here’s how you can submit your work and what an ideal opinion article should look like:

  1. Word Length and Compensation:
    • SurgeZirc SA does not publish articles shorter than 450 words.
    • Non-popular writers will receive “full credit” for their work.
    • Independent writers with credibility and followers may be paid for their contributions.
    • Politically independent thinkers, politicians, and charity organizations can also submit articles voluntarily.
  2. Submission Process:
    • Subject (Caption): Create a captivating caption (not exceeding twelve words) that describes your work.
    • Email Body: In a few short bullet points, outline your piece and explain why you are the best person to write it. Highlight why it should be published now.
    • Experience: Mention your professional background, ability to work under tight deadlines, and any recognition you’ve received for your work.
    • Social Media: Clearly state your social media handles and pages so SurgeZirc SA can verify your follower strength.
    • Editing: Editors will review your work, and any necessary changes will be communicated to you.
    • Promotion: After publication, share your work on social media and tag SurgeZirc SA on Twitter (@SurgeZircSA) and Facebook (#SurgeZircSA).
  3. Pitch Your Ideas:
    • To pitch an opinion article, email your submission to
    • If you have a compelling first-person essay, feel free to write it and send it to the same email address.

Remember, SurgeZirc SA values reliable and professional commentary on viral topics or important issues. Your unique viewpoint can contribute to shaping public understanding, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts! 📝🌟