HomePoliticsANCPresident Cyril Ramaphosa Criticizes DA Over GNU Negotiations (Read Letter)

President Cyril Ramaphosa Criticizes DA Over GNU Negotiations (Read Letter)

In a final written letter to DA leader John Steenhuisen, Ramaphosa expressed his dissatisfaction with the DA's approach to the latest cabinet negotiations.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has strongly criticized the Democratic Alliance (DA), accusing the party of undermining the foundation of the Government of National Unity (GNU) negotiations.

In a final written letter to DA leader John Steenhuisen, Ramaphosa expressed his dissatisfaction with the DA’s approach to the latest cabinet negotiations.

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The negotiations between the DA and the African National Congress (ANC) have reportedly hit a stalemate, particularly over the Department of Trade and Industry portfolio.

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Ramaphosa has accused the DA of shifting “goalposts” by demanding that the ANC allocate two additional portfolios to the DA, increasing their total cabinet positions to eight.

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The DA is set to hold a special Federal Executive (FedEx) meeting later on Thursday to deliberate on the ANC’s proposed cabinet-sharing plan.

According to a letter seen by SurgeZirc SA, the ANC has proposed giving the DA six cabinet ministers and seven deputy ministers. However, the DA is reportedly rejecting this proposal, with the FedEx meeting expected to decide whether to withdraw from the GNU negotiations.

Read the letter below:

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DA Federal Council Chairperson Helen Zille had earlier communicated to ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula that the party is seeking the Deputy President position or the Minister in the Presidency. Furthermore, the DA is also demanding key economic ministries, including governance, social protection, communications, and internal relations.

In a recent one-on-one meeting between DA leader John Steenhuisen and President Cyril Ramaphosa, the two leaders attempted to negotiate a deal, yet the outcome remains uncertain as both parties stand firm on their respective demands.

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Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
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