HomePoliticsGeneral NewsFormer President Jacob Zuma Warns Critics Of Umkhonto We Sizwe Party To...

Former President Jacob Zuma Warns Critics Of Umkhonto We Sizwe Party To “Zip It” Or Face Exposé

He clarified the distinction between the MK Party, MK Lite, and the MKVA, stating that they were all part of Umkhonto we Sizwe but served different purposes. He dismissed claims that the MK Party was fake and urged those who doubted its legitimacy to take legal action if they wished.

Former President Jacob Zuma recently addressed politicians who have been insulting the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) Party, urging them to refrain from such behaviour or face the consequences of their actions.

Speaking at a meeting held in Verulam, north of Durban, Zuma emphasised the importance of understanding the origins of the party and focusing on politics rather than resorting to insults.

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During the meeting, which was attended by approximately 300 individuals despite heavy rainfall, Zuma expressed his concern over the arrogance displayed by some leaders who criticize Umkhonto we Sizwe without fully comprehending its purpose.

He cautioned these individuals to remain silent, as their true colours would eventually be revealed if they persisted in their disrespectful behaviour.

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Zuma’s comments come in the wake of his declaration last week in Soweto, where he announced his decision not to vote for the African National Congress (ANC) in the upcoming election and pledged his support to the MK Party instead.

After being a member of the ANC for 64 years, Zuma cited moral reasons for his decision, stating that he could no longer support the “current ANC” and its leadership, which he described as tyrannical.

While Zuma acknowledged the ongoing oppression faced by many South Africans, particularly the oppressed black population, he refrained from elaborating on the specifics during the meeting.

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Instead, he emphasised the importance of presenting facts and engaging in dialogue during the party’s campaign. Zuma expressed his commitment to recruiting members for the revolution and working towards the liberation of all South Africans.

Comrade Khumalo, another speaker at the meeting, confirmed that the MK Party had been registered with the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) as a political party.

He clarified the distinction between the MK Party, MK Lite, and the MKVA, stating that they were all part of Umkhonto we Sizwe but served different purposes. He dismissed claims that the MK Party was fake and urged those who doubted its legitimacy to take legal action if they wished.

Khumalo assured the crowd that the MK Party would be on the ballot in the upcoming election and encouraged them to recruit as many members as possible. He also warned members to be cautious of opportunists who have created fake branches and provincial leadership within the party.

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Khumalo emphasised that the party’s current leadership is temporary and that structures are being established in preparation for the conference.

Furthermore, Khumalo distanced the MK Party from tribalistic remarks made by former Ukhozi FM radio personality Ngizwe Mchunu towards EFF leader Julius Malema.

He emphasised that the party is not exclusive to KwaZulu-Natal or the Zulu community but is a national player.

In conclusion, former President Jacob Zuma’s speech at the Umkhonto We Sizwe Party meeting highlighted the need for respectful political discourse and a focus on the party’s mission of liberation.

Zuma warned critics to “zip it” before their true nature is exposed and encouraged members to recruit more individuals to support the party’s cause. With the upcoming elections, the MK Party aims to present facts, engage in dialogue, and work towards completing the freedom that many fought for.

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Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
In the fast-paced world of politics, staying informed is crucial. Ntuthuko Gumede, a renowned journalist, has been making waves with his insightful and thought-provoking political news articles on SurgeZirc SA. With his expertise and dedication to reporting accurate and unbiased information, Gumede has become a trusted source for political analysis.
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