HomePoliticsEFFEFF Secretary-General Marshall Dlamini Sentenced For Assault

EFF Secretary-General Marshall Dlamini Sentenced For Assault

The EFF was quick to respond, expressing a firm stance against the judgment. They announced that Dlamini plans to appeal both the judgment and the conviction.

The courtroom was abuzz on Friday as Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Secretary-General Marshall Dlamini received an 18-month prison sentence, suspended for five years.

Magistrate Nasha Banwari, presiding over the Cape Town Regional Court, also slapped Dlamini with a R6,000 fine or an alternative three-month prison term for malicious damage to property.

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Dlamini’s legal woes began in February 2019 during the State of the Nation Address (SONA). He was found guilty of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property after an altercation with a member of the parliamentary protection services.

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Banwari noted that Dlamini acted in his capacity as head of security for the EFF and expressed confidence that he had learned his lesson, stating he is “unlikely to react similarly in the future.”

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The EFF was quick to respond, expressing a firm stance against the judgment. They announced that Dlamini plans to appeal both the judgment and the conviction.

According to the EFF, the entire case seemed vindictive and aimed at criminalizing their leadership. They cited a supposed threat against their CIC Julius Malema on the morning of SONA 2019, which they believe justified Dlamini’s actions.

EFF MP Carl Niehaus voiced his support for Dlamini, calling the sentence “deeply disturbing” and emphasizing that Dlamini was acting in defence of their leader, Julius Malema.

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Niehaus’s statement underscores the EFF’s belief that the court’s decision was an attempt to hinder their legislative responsibilities and provoke their leadership.

As this legal saga continues, eyes will be on the appeal process and how it will impact not only Marshall Dlamini but also the broader political landscape surrounding the EFF.

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Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
In the fast-paced world of politics, staying informed is crucial. Ntuthuko Gumede, a renowned journalist, has been making waves with his insightful and thought-provoking political news articles on SurgeZirc SA. With his expertise and dedication to reporting accurate and unbiased information, Gumede has become a trusted source for political analysis.
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