HomePoliticsDADA's Steenhuisen Seeks Another Meeting With Ramaphosa Over GNU Impasse

DA’s Steenhuisen Seeks Another Meeting With Ramaphosa Over GNU Impasse

Despite the current impasse, President Ramaphosa has left the door open for further talks. The DA has decided to take this opportunity, resolving to request another meeting with the President.

The fate of the Democratic Alliance (DA) in South Africa’s Government of National Unity (GNU) is now back in the hands of President Cyril Ramaphosa.

DA leader John Steenhuisen has requested another face-to-face meeting with the President. This comes after a failed bid to seal a deal earlier this week, with the DA accusing the African National Congress (ANC) of altering initial agreements.

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On Thursday night, the DA’s negotiating team updated its federal executive committee on the ongoing talks.

The DA has expressed frustration over the ANC’s reneging on an initial offer to allocate the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition to the DA, instead offering control of the Tourism portfolio. This disagreement has led to a significant impasse in the negotiations.

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President Ramaphosa recently rebuked the DA’s approach to the negotiations in a leaked letter, mirroring the actions of his mentor, Nelson Mandela, during the Codesa talks in 1991.

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Mandela took a strong stance against the National Party and FW de Klerk for their conduct, and Ramaphosa’s sharp rebuke carries a similar tone. Both leaders questioned whether their opponents were negotiating in good faith and accused them of prioritizing personal interests over the GNU’s values.

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Despite the current impasse, President Ramaphosa has left the door open for further talks. The DA has decided to take this opportunity, resolving to request another meeting with the President.

As Ramaphosa prepares to announce his new cabinet, the outcome of these negotiations remains crucial for the future of the GNU and the participation of the DA in it.

It remains to be seen how these discussions will evolve and whether a mutually agreeable solution can be reached. The political landscape in South Africa continues to be dynamic, with significant implications for governance and unity.

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Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
Ntuthuko Gumede for SurgeZirc SA
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