Despite Calling Him A Toxic Husband Fans Say Papa Penny Really Loves Mama Nomi

Despite the emotional rollercoaster Papa Penny has put his fans on , he was commended on the Social media streets for being a loving hubby to his wife Nami.

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Papa Penny Fans stopped calling him a toxic husband but say he loves his wife Nomi
Papa Penny And Wife /Photofile: Google

As Papa Penny Ahee was gracing the small screen for the very last time on Thursday night, fans of the show quickly changed their minds on saying Papa Penny is a toxic husband when they witnessed the Tsonga musician showering his wife mama Nomi with tons of love.

Now anyone who’s a South African citizen knows how hard it is to impress Mzansi especially when it comes to local reality shows. Papa Penny Ahee has been dubbed the most authentic, non-scripted and relatable of all reality shows and fans were very devasted to be watching the show for the last time.

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Despite the emotional rollercoaster, Papa Penny has put his fans on, he was commended on the Social media streets for being a loving hubby to his wife Nomi.

Ever since the show started fans have been dragging Papa Penny, calling him a toxic husband for all the things he was doing to his wife. One toxic action that tops them all is when the flamboyant musician bought a first-class plane ticket for himself and placed his wife and kids in economy.

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But last night’s episode changed the perspective of fans and they saw a new side to Papa Penny they’ve never seen before. A side they knew was always there but was clouded with God knows what !!

Last night the couple paid tribute to their late son and as they walked down memory lane fans couldn’t help but shed a tear. Check out their reactions below


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