In a devastating turn of events, three friends lost their lives in a hail of bullets in Mfuleni, Cape Town. The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon when a white car drove up to where they were parked at Fountain Heads, New Beginnings, Mfuleni and opened fire. The victims, aged 29, 30, and 44, were sitting in their vehicle when the armed assailants approached them and unleashed a barrage of gunfire.
The shocking incident has left the community in a state of disbelief and mourning. A relative of one of the victims, who was not present at the scene, received a call informing her about the tragic event. She expressed her shock and grief, stating, ‘They all lived in the same street and were friends. We don’t know what happened with them, and we don’t want to speculate.’
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According to the relative, one of the victims initially survived the attack, but the suspects returned to ensure his demise before fleeing the scene. The police have launched a thorough investigation into the incident, but as of now, no arrests have been made. The motive behind the murders remains unknown.
One victim, a 26-year-old man, leaves behind two young children, aged seven and three. He was unemployed, adding to the tragedy of the situation. The shooting has left the entire community shaken, with residents fleeing into their homes as the gunfire erupted.
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Police spokesperson Andrè Traut confirmed that detectives from the serious and violent crimes unit are diligently following all leads to uncover the truth behind this heinous act. He urged anyone with information to come forward and assist in the investigation.
If you have any information that could shed light on the circumstances surrounding this incident, please contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111. Alternatively, you can use the My SAPS mobile application to relay the information anonymously.