Over the weekend, Gauteng police detained four protesters who disrupted the Miss South Africa (Miss SA) event at SunBet Arena in Pretoria. The individuals, three men and one woman, were reportedly supporting Chidimma Adetshina, a withdrawn contestant of the pageant.
According to Gauteng police spokesperson Colonel Noxolo Kweza, the four suspects forced their way into the venue and initiated a chant supporting Adetshina.
The venue’s security personnel detained the protesters and subsequently handed them over to the Public Order Policing (POP) officers. The suspects were arrested on charges of incitement to commit public violence.
Chidimma Adetshina withdrew from the Miss SA pageant following an investigation by the Department of Home Affairs. Prima facie evidence suggested that Adetshina’s mother might have committed identity theft.
Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber announced that although Adetshina’s father is purportedly Nigerian, her mother is believed to be from Mozambique. The controversy surrounding Adetshina’s citizenship led to her withdrawal from the competition.
The four protesters appeared in Hatfield Magistrates Court on charges of incitement to commit public violence. The case has been transferred to Pretoria Central Court.
Bianca van Wyk, an independent researcher, writer, and analyst, noted that the individuals belong to a non-profit organization, which has been vocal against Adetshina’s alleged support for her mother’s actions.