On Tuesday, 07 May 2024, the police conducted an integrated take-down operation in Centurion, resulting in the seizure of a consignment of counterfeit petroleum oil products.
The estimated value of the seized goods is R225,000. The operation also led to the arrest of four Zimbabwean nationals.
The operation was carried out by a team comprising members from the National Counterfeit Unit and Commercial Crimes Investigations (CCI), in collaboration with brand protectors.
The team acted on operationalised information and obtained a search and seizure warrant. They then proceeded to an address in Monavoni, a suburb on the outskirts of Centurion, Gauteng.
During the operation, the police seized over 3,000 litres of petroleum oil that imitated well-known brands. The counterfeit products were carefully packaged to deceive unsuspecting consumers. The seized goods will be used as evidence in the case against the suspects.
In addition to the seizure, the police arrested four Zimbabwean nationals. The Department of Home Affairs will verify their residency status. The suspects will face charges for contravening the Counterfeit Goods Act 37 of 1997.