Over the weekend, reality TV star Faith Nketsi hosted her daughter Sky’s 2nd birthday, and it was nothing short of magical. The decorations were on point, the crowd was buzzing, and little Sky was the true princess of the day, Faith nailed it!
But ke, not everything was as rosy as it seemed! Now, here’s where things took an interesting turn, Faith’s ex-husband, Nzuzo Njilo, stumbled into the scene.
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The guy looked more lost than a chicken in a storm. As the crowd started to sing ‘Happy Birthday,’ Faith swooped in like a queen, carrying her daughter to the front.
Nzuzo, perhaps trying to sneak into the ‘happy family’ frame, sidled up to them. Little did he know, he was walking into a June-July situation.
The reality TV star showed the man who allegedly scammed her flames in front of the crowd. Smiling sweetly for the cameras, she pretended he was as invisible as air.
Poor guy tried to stretch his hand towards them, but Faith didn’t budge, yazi, she served him the coldest shoulder while maintaining a smile that could light up a stadium.
She just kept right on playing with Sky, like her ex was some annoying mosquito she could easily ignore. Nzuzo looked like he desperately wished the ground would swallow him up!
Should we say he looked more lost than a tourist without a map, unsure whether to stay or retreat? The obvious discomfort was hard to miss; the tension was tangible enough to cut with a cake knife.
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Meanwhile, Faith continued to play with her child as if nothing had happened, leaving Nzuzo to stand there like some nightclub bouncer.
Talk about a party to remember, not just for Baby Sky, but also for that uninvited icy breeze named awkwardness, yeyi futhi as a country we can never forget this moment, don’t miss out watch the video below: