Media personality Penny Lebyane recently shared a heartwarming video of her son, Takunda, driving himself and his sister, Tamuka, to school on his first day. The proud mother captured the moment from the passenger seat as her son confidently took the wheel.
Penny, known for her natural hair and vibrant personality, embraced the early morning school drop-off with her children returning to the prestigious Curro. In the video, she humorously commented on the role reversal, stating, “I’m a passenger this morning; how things have changed.”
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It’s a brand new day and opportunity to do it a new. The school year is officially starting today. We’re on our way with my most significant achievement my children – the seeds of my womb, the ones who chose me #PennyLebyane to be their mother. I am a #workingmother #RaisingTandT
— PennyLebyane💚PennyLebyaneDotAfrica (@PennyLebyane) January 17, 2024
Netizens were quick to show their love and support for Penny’s son, admiring how much he has grown. Many expressed their disbelief at his newfound independence and driving skills.
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One user, dineo_campbell, commented, “You kept telling me how grown he is, and I thought you were being a typical boy mom – I hear you fully now; it’s so unreal!”
While the majority of comments were positive, there were a few individuals who took the opportunity to criticize Penny. However, the focus remained on the heartwarming moment shared between mother and son.