Chidimma Adetshina has waved goodbye to her Miss South Africa dreams. On Thursday, the aspiring beauty queen confirmed her withdrawal through a heartfelt social media statement. The decision, she clarified, stemmed from safety concerns.
“Being part of the Miss SA 2024 competition has been an amazing journey. However, after much careful consideration, I have made the difficult decision to withdraw myself from the competition for the safety and well-being of my family and me,” Adetshina revealed.
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Adetshina’s participation in the Miss South Africa pageant has not been without drama. A murmur of discontent arose over her eligibility, given that she has a Nigerian father and a Mozambican mother, despite being born and raised in South Africa.
The plot thickened when the Department of Home Affairs announced possible fraud and identity theft committed by her mother. Minister Leon Schreiber noted that while Adetshina couldn’t have participated in her mother’s alleged unlawful actions back in 2001, the investigation cast a cloud over her participation.
Meanwhile, the Patriotic Alliance added a legal dimension to the controversy, pressing for urgent court action to block Adetshina’s participation. PA Deputy President Kenny Kunene announced hopes for a legal hearing before the pageant’s scheduled date.
Despite the turbulent backdrop, Adetshina remains gracious. “With the support of the Miss SA organisation, I leave with a heart full of gratitude for this amazing experience. Whoever wears the crown represents us all,” she affirmed.
The saga continues to unfold, but one thing is clear: this beauty pageant has turned into a dramatic page-turner.