Basetsana Kumalo, the iconic media personality, recently took a moment to reflect on her participation in the Miss World pageant 30 years ago in 1994. As the first runner-up, she shared a heartfelt note, reminiscing about her journey and the significance it held for her.
During that time, South Africa was undergoing a revolutionary period in its democracy, and Basetsana acknowledged this in her letter.
She wrote, “Thirty years ago, I had the honor to represent our country on the Miss World stage. I didn’t walk alone on that stage; I was carried by every South African. It was a critical time in our history, the dawn of a new democracy, the rainbow nation, and the leadership of our first black President, Tata Nelson Mandela.”
Basetsana expressed her gratitude for the doors that the pageant opened for her. She recognized the platform as a catalyst for finding her voice and shaping her future. Looking ahead to her 50th birthday, she expressed excitement for the road ahead and the opportunities it may bring.
“As I reflect upon that time, I am filled with awe and gratitude for what that platform did for me,” Basetsana shared. “It catapulted me to find my voice, and I am so grateful for the love and support that has been extended to me over the years. I don’t take it for granted and count it all as joy.”
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Basetsana Kumalo’s journey serves as an inspiration to many, reminding us of the power of seizing opportunities and embracing the path that lies ahead. As she gracefully ages like fine wine, her story continues to resonate, leaving a lasting impact on those who admire her.